The Environmental Management Accounting for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Southeast Asia (EMA-SEA) Project aims to implement and disseminate EMA in South-East Asian companies to promote sustainable business.  This project has just been awarded recognition as an official project of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014 by the German branch of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The project is implemented by the Center for Sustainability Management (CSM) of the University of Lueneburg, Germany.  EMA-SEA started on November 2003 and runs until October 2007.  The project targets four ASEAN countries namely: Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.  The project may extend beyond 2007 depending on the acquired results and available funding. 

The EMA-SEA Project is managed by InWEnt - Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH (Capacity Building International, Bonn, Germany) with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Its regional partner, the Asian Society for Environmental Protection (ASEP) based in Bangkok, Thailand works closely with local partners in the four target countries associated with EMA.





Pacific Spectrum Environmental (PSEnvi) is one of the local partners of the EMA-SEA.  Several PSEnvi consultants have undergone basic and/or intensive EMA training/s and workshop/s under the EMA-SEA.  Further, PSEnvi works closely with the EMA-SEA experts in the implementation of some EMA-SEA local case studies and company projects.


The EMA-SEA project will conduct local EMA trainings and company projects to promote and implement EMA in the region.  Interested individuals and companies may join one or more of the activities of the project.  Individuals may participate in one of the thirty (32) EMA trainings to be held from 2006-2007.  Companies, on the other hand, may participate in one of twenty (20) company projects to be selected in the region.


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You may also send your email thru ema-sea@uni-lueneburg.de